Wildlife Ecology and Conservation - Coursework
Critical Tracking Coursework
BSC 2010 & 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 and Laboratory
BSC 2011 & 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 Laboratory
CHM 2045 & 2045L General Chemistry and Laboratory
ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics
WEC Core Courses
SWS 3022 & 3022L Introduction to Soils in the Environment and Laboratory
WIS 2920 Wildlife Colloquium
WIS 3401 Wildlife Ecology and Management
WIS 3402 & 3402L Wildlife of Florida
and Laboratory
WIS 3553C Introduction to Conservation Genetics
WIS 4601C Quantitative Wildlife Ecology
WIS 4945 & 4945L Wildlife Techniques
and Field Wildlife Techniques
WEC Common Courses
ENY 3005 & 3005L Principles of Entomology
and Principles of Entomology Laboratory
WIS 3404 Natural Resource Ecology
Geographic Information and Planning
GIS 3043 Foundations of Geographic Information Systems
Plant Diversity & Taxonomy
PLS 4613 Aquatic Weed Control
WIS 4934 Invasion/Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles
Human Dimensions
FNR 4070C Environmental Education Program Development
Environmental Economics
FNR 4660 Natural Resource Policy and Economics
Self Selected Ecology Focus
ZOO 4472C - Avian Biology
ENY 4208 Ecocoloy and Conservation of Pollinators
WIS 4905 Individual Problems
WIS4911 Supervised Research
Minor in Entomology
ENY 4161 Insect Classification
ENY 4573 - Beekeeping I
ENY 4574 - Beekeeping II
ENY 4208 Ecocoloy and Conservation of Pollinators
ENY3005 &3005L Principles of Entomology and Laboratory